Book Your Number
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Book Your Golden Or Premium Number NOW !
J-Telecom's Book Your Number at your service!
J-Telecom's customers are offerred the oportunity to book their own number if they wish to have a special number
Kindly fill the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible...
all languages in our SMS System.
As for the rates, it is the most competitive price of all time! (3.5c/SMS) So 1000 SMS will cost you 35$ Only !
Our interface VPortal is always available so that you can use it in order to send your SMS to one person, or to a group of persons instantly and easily!!
**Our Platinum Numbers (15 000 $) Are:
+44 77 00000002
+44 77 00000003
+44 77 00000008
+44 77 00011000
+44 77 00012000
+44 77 00016000
**Our Golden Numbers (7 500 $) Are:
+44 77 00009990
+44 77 00015555
+44 77 00010008
+44 77 00000101
+44 77 00010010
+44 77 00017700
+44 77 00014666
+44 77 00016555
+44 77 00010010
+4477 00011111
**Our Silver Numbers (2 500 $) Are:
+44 77 00000266
+44 77 00000370
+44 77 00017800
+44 77 00018081
+44 77 00033353
+44 77 00076660
+44 77 00076661
+44 77 00076662
+44 77 00076665
+44 77 00076669
+44 77 00077122
You can also get a special +4477000 Number that will be specified randomly for 50$ ONLY !
Feel free to contact us for more info.....
Some Accordions
Why Pick Us?
Our worldclass level of high quality and extensively discounted rates allowed us to lead in our area of expertise because we are dedicated to provide the best experience for our customers along with the best package of serivces. With J-Telecom, the customer's satisfaction is the only thing that matters! -
Technical Support
Our support team and Network Operations Center are always ready to receive any request for support being fully dedicated to give our customers the best support at the shortest period of time. -
Leading Excellence
J-Telecom's team performs daily Quality of Service (QoS) tests in order to make sure that all our services are at the highest possible quality without any disruption or degradation in quality. This is one of the main priorities of our team.